Winning Balance by Shawn Johnson

‘Winning Balance: What I’ve Learned So Far about Love, Faith, and Living Your Dreams’ by Shawn Johnson with Nancy French is a book that tells about Shawn Johnson’s life and more. Shawn shares insights that she has learned, poems she has written, the progression of her ambitions, her triumphs, failures, honors, and embarrassments. Shawn opens up and shows her readers who she is inside and out.

Winning Balance book cover image

Shawn manages to stir up a sense of ‘you can do it’ even while telling about things that most of us will never experience. She boosts a feeling that with hard work and commitment, we might not achieve what we aimed to do, but in doing it we will attain something much more rewarding than simply realizing a goal.

‘Winning Balance’ isn’t a cheerleader or motivational speaker type of book, but the end result of reading it is having a renewed feeling that ‘all things are possible through Jesus’. Shawn’s book isn’t heavy on Christian theology or preaching, but she does share her faith and love of God with her readers in a low-key way.

Regardless of whether you have followed Shawn’s career as a gymnast, a celebrity on Dancing with the Stars, or never heard of her as in my case, this is a delightful book to read and I highly recommend it.

Purposes of Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a temporary digital copy of this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion of it in a review on my blog. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Firebird by Brent McCorkle and Amy Parker

This is a wonderful children’s book about a little bird that learns that God doesn’t take the sun away when it is stormy out. It seems in fact that Eva Marie quoted the entire story, word for word, in ‘Unconditional: A Novel’.

It is a nice size and shape for reading to one or more children, perfect for having the children all gather in a semi-circle for story time or maybe a single child nestled in one’s lap. The storyline is simple, one that a young child can take in and understand.  The illustrations are bright, large, and colorful. Great for seeing from a short distance away.

If you are looking for a way to share God’s unchanging love with young children in your life, this is a delightful book that they can page through and go over the story themselves, even when there isn’t anyone to read it, via the wonderful pictures on each page.

Firebird Book Cover Image

Purposes of Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an a copy of this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion of it in a review on my blog. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Your Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

Your Life Without Limits is a twenty-two page booklet that Nick Vujicic has written to encourage everyone he can to live with hope, love, and courage so they can pursue their dreams.

Even though Nick mentions God many times in the booklet he classifies himself as ‘spiritual’ rather than a Christian and the booklet has something of a pep-talk feel to it.

Not sure what I was expecting, but it felt like Nick was trying to write it in such a way as to please and help everyone, yet offend no one. As noble a task as that might be, even Jesus offended many. As narrow-minded as it might seem to us, true lasting joy and healing doesn’t come apart from God Himself. If one wants the fruit of the Spirit, one must have the Spirit, and the only way to have the Spirit is through Jesus. HE is still The Way, The Truth, and The Life and the only way to the Father.

As great and necessary an attitude as ‘Hope’ is, without Jesus as the center of that hope, it is a temporary hope that lasts no further than this life, thus is basically an empty hope.

It is a great little booklet in intent and as far as it goes, I’d just like to have seen Nick explain the basis of his hope in such a way that others might find HIM (Jesus) too.

Nick’s life is a living testimony to what he writes, but if all his reader gets from the material is to keep pressing on, and not let go of one’s dreams they have missed Life Himself. Jesus cautioned us about living for this life only. HE asked what good is it to gain the whole earth if one loses his soul? With what will he buy his soul?

If you need encouragement, read Nick’s booklet but please don’t stop there. Seek the source of love, joy, peace, and  hope, Jesus. HE has promised to be found if you seek Him with all your heart and the ultimate place to seek Him is in His word, the Bible.

Your Life Without Limits Book Cover Image

More resources on Your Life Without Limits and Nick Vujicic

About the Author

Nick Vujicic

NICK VUJICIC is a motivational speaker and the director of the nonprofit organization, Life Without Limbs. Nick has become a great inspiration to people around the world, regularly speaking to large crowds about overcoming obstacles and achieving dreams. A longtime resident of Australia, he now lives in southern California with his wife, Kanae. Visit his website at

Video: Life Without Limits

Your Life Without Limits WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group Info

Sneak Peek – Chapter One

Author Spotlight

Purposes of Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an electronic copy of this booklet for free in exchange for my honest opinion of it in a review on my blog. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

“It simply isn’t possible to talk about religion or politics.”

We hear it all the time.  There are two subjects that we should NEVER bring up nor discuss if someone else brings them up.  Religion and politics.

I’ll grant you that if you are LOOKING for a heated argument, bringing one or both subjects up is a fantastic way to get what you are looking for many times.  But what if you are NOT looking for a heated argument?  What if you are not looking for an argument at all?  What if you are shy or a pacifist or just hate confrontations?  Is it possible to bring up Jesus?  Should one even try to bring Him up?

Here is my two cents worth from what I’ve read in God’s word, in short we should try to bring Jesus up in a loving way.  Will it cause negative words and actions?  Maybe.  Jesus told us that we would encounter such things. The thing is, if we don’t tell people about Jesus as Christians, who will?  If they hear anything at all about Him from non-Christians it will be distorted information.  They can’t help it.  They don’t understand who He is and thus can not be expected to give a clear picture of Him.  It would be like me trying to explain quantum physics to someone.  At best it would be sadly lacking and at worse totally distorted and unreal.

OK, so if we are the only ones who can give a fair picture of Jesus to someone who doesn’t know Him, doesn’t that put the conversational ball in our court?  That depends on whether or not you believe Jesus when He tells us that He is the only way to Heaven.  If you do, it seems clear that it is up to us to share the Good News even if others hate us for it.

I’m not suggesting we get in anyone’s face and pick a verbal fight.  That isn’t love.  Love that comes down from God is peaceable, but it doesn’t back away from the truth either.  Even if the truth causes unpleasant circumstances for the one sharing it.  It is still up to us.  God’s plan is for us Christians to share His redemptive plan of salvation.  He doesn’t have a plan ‘B’.

If our aim in life is to honor Jesus then we need to be about doing those things He told us to do.  If our aim is to please others or ourselves then obviously the statement “It isn’t possible to talk about religion or politics” is true and therefore need to avoid both at all costs.  Of course if we follow that path we might find ourselves somewhere we didn’t want to be eventually.

What do you think?  Are religion and politics taboo subjects for conversation or do you feel that love compels us to face the hate and share Jesus anyway?

Blind Hope by Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher

Mia who started life out as ‘Angel’ and living a hard life under a trailer is Laurie Sacher’s adopted dog.  Laurie heard about a dog needing rescued and picturing a beautiful companion which would bring Laurie acceptance and a certain status in the community, she eagerly went to the rescue.  What she found challenged her determination to do a good deed and shattered her dreams of parading through town with a beautiful dog by her side.

In time Laurie’s heart and life was completely changed as she listened to God as He talked to her through the life of Mia.  She saw not only the transformation of her dog physically, but the growth Mia gained through hardship and trials.  Mia’s love, joy, perseverance, and acceptance as well as her disobedience and fears opened Laurie’s heart to truths about her own life that she had never seen before.

This book is a detailed look into Laurie’s emotional/spiritual life, without showing every moment of every day/week/month.  I didn’t like the chapter ‘The Closet’.  I sobbed through much of it, but it highlights and intensifies what happens next.

I highly recommend this book.  Kim Meeder acts somewhat as a narrator. Kim basically sets the scene of each talk with Laurie where Laurie has shared a new revelation she has discovered by relating with Mia and listening to God.  I’m not sure I care for the format of the book, but that is secondary to the messages shared.  It is well worth reading.

Blind Hope book cover image

Life, In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice by Kristen Jane Anderson

Kristen has come a very long way and has a tremendous testimony which she shares in ‘Life, In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice’ , her online ministry, and in speaking engagements.
As a child her life was carefree and joyous then things started changing and everything seemed dark and hopeless.  She got to the point of wanting to end her life and that is actually the beginning of the worst and best of her life.
Kristen tells people now that she wouldn’t change what she did if she could because it resulted in her coming to know Jesus and the joy He brings to a life.  The pain she went through before and after her suicide attempt by train is retold in this book and it is immense but the joy she now has is even greater.
It is a true story and shows her life worts and all.  It is sad, tragic in places, but Kristen doesn’t regret what happened because she knows that God used it all to bring her to where she is now.  She has a heart for hurting people and hopes to shed Jesus’ love and light into the hearts of hurting people and show them how they too can come out of the darkness and pain into the joy and light.
I definitely feel this book is worth reading.  Even if you don’t personally battle depression, it is still a wonderful testimony of God’s mercy, grace, love, and ability to change lives.
Life, In Spite Of Me book cover image

Covenant Child by Terri Blackstock

Covenant Child is a story about Amanda, Lizzie, and Kara.  Amanda is the step-mom who fights to keep twins Lizzie and Kara when death claims her husband, their father.  She fights the girls’ maternal grandparents and when the dust clears they have won…or at least it looks that way.  Kara tells the story based on information given her by Amanda and others, as well as Kara’s own memories.

The entire story begins sometime ‘after the fact’ but harkens back to when Amanda met their dad, they fell in love and married.  The twins were three at that time.

Amanda’s selfless love toward the twins and the diligent care she gives to their future is what keeps this story from being too dark and depressing.

The characters were adequately developed, maybe a little unbelievable at times but not enough to detract from the story.  I liked the way Ms. Blackstock kept the story moving.  Showing glimpses into the twins’ lives over a fifteen year period.  It was such a sad story that if she had dwelt any longer on any one time period it would have been hard to get through.  I also like how she had Amanda turning to the Bible and finding hope and living out her faith.

The story reminds me of someone riding along in a train on a bright sunny day with their back to the front of the train. When suddenly they find themselves going through a tunnel.  For a very short time they can still see light from outside but before long everything is dark. Then stays dark the whole time they are in the tunnel and even once they come out of the tunnel they still see darkness until the train is far enough away from the tunnel to see full light again.  Only in this case the darkness lasts approximately fifteen years.

Even though there are inspirational parts I’m not sure I’d recommend it to others or not.  I liked Amanda’s commitment to her promise and love, but even though Ms. Blackstock was writing this as an analogy of coming to The Father and becoming a Christian, sadly it didn’t come across that way to me.

Covenant Child Book Cover Image

Other reviews of ‘Covenant Child’



Author’s Website

Purposes of Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a temporary digital copy of the book mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Illusion by Frank Peretti

Illusion, the latest and greatest book Mr. Peretti has ever written?  Maybe.  It is the best one of his that I’ve read since ‘This Present Darkness’ and ‘Piercing The Darkness’.  Is it better than those?  To me it is as good but different.  I loved the spiritual truths he brought out in all three.

This book opens on a sad, tragic note.  After forty love-filled, married years, Mandy is swept out of Dane’s life due to a horrific car crash.  Dane is left to grieve and pick up the pieces of his life the best he can without Mandy.  Then Mr. Peretti takes us back to 1970 and gives us a glimpse of Mandy at nineteen as she attends the local fair.  We follow her through a few thoughts and activities when all of a sudden something has changed.  She is still Mandy, she is still nineteen but everything in her life has changed.  The story unfolds around a sixty year old Dane and a nineteen year old Mandy meeting and building a tutor/student relationship.

Suspense, drama, romance, intrigue, surprise twists, a great storyline, and even better ending.  It has them all.  Illusion is 512 pages arranged in 54 chapters.  Mr. Peretti is a master writer and the characters come alive bit by bit with just enough suspense to keep it interesting and yet not be tied in knots wondering what will happen next.  The characters show God’s grace and trust in Jesus very well throughout the story.  The plot is mysterious, the dialog flows, the descriptions and scenes are great.  I enjoyed everything about it.

Illusion is a ‘feel good’, entertaining, inspiring kind of book that drew me in and kept tugging just enough to make stepping away from my computer, where I was reading it, difficult.  It is also the kind of book that the characters become like friends and I was left wanting to visit with them just a bit more at some point down the line.  I highly recommend reading it.  The joy and wonder one feels the writer has in his own life peeks out at the reader over and over in this story.

Illusion Book Cover Image

Purposes of Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a temporary digital copy of the book mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”.

Touched by a Vampire by Beth Felker Jones

Touched by a Vampire, Discovering the Hidden Messages in the Twilight Saga is a very interesting book and brings out points that are thought provoking and interesting.

I haven’t read Meyer’s Twilight series, but have a number of friends who have and when I saw this book in the library and read the description decided to read it.  I’m glad I did.  Not only does Ms. Jones bring out the various messages, obvious or maybe hidden in Meyer’s books about Bella and Edward, but Beth also contrasts the assumptions, suggestions, messages with a Christian perspective on each topic.  Plus, at the end of each topic she lists a number of questions for the reader to think about to examine their own thoughts on the topic.

There are ten chapters covering romance, love, sex, gender roles, family, marriage, children, life, purpose, and desire.  I think Ms. Jones does a fabulous job on those topics in a book that is only 180 pages long.  Plus, within those 180 pages she has an introduction, an epilogue on Jesus being the Light, and a book-by-book discussion guide.

Ms. Jones hopes the book will be used as a resource to start discussions about the subjects covered in youth groups, Bible studies, Sunday school classes, or just groups of friends.  The publisher has also made an online teacher’s guide available at  Above all else she hopes the book will help others grow closer to God.

I recommend this book to anyone who has read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and/or Breaking Dawn.  I also recommend it to people such as myself who haven’t but know people who have read them.